I’m very excited to be starting this Unashamed blog and will be posting regularly, exploring what it means to live unashamed. A friend who was interviewing me recently about the book asked what was in my heart in giving it the title, Unashamed, and asked me to describe in three words what shame means to me. My answer was ‘I am bad.’ And then she asked for my three word summary of what Unashamed means to me, and my answer was, ‘I am beloved.’ As I penned those words I remember feeling stunned at the realisation that this is truly what it is all about. God wants us all to know we are beloved. That’s the heart of the book and how He works within us to free us from the ‘shame threads’ (re my poem at the book’s start, Creator Without Apology) that tie us up in knots, all so we can walk and live as His beloved ones.
So in this blog I’ll be sharing from my every day life on how I am trying to live from that place of being unashamed, of being beloved. Sometimes I make it, many times I don’t! But He is walking that journey with me and all of us and never ever gives up on us. He knows just what we need to get more and more there. So I will share my journey and will also share from the keys He gave me and which I share in the book. It could actually be great if you have the book alongside you as its full of little reflections and ways you can personalise what I share.
Looking forward to sharing this healing journey with you through this blog and through Unashamed.