As we enter advent, I realise how important it is to make time in this busy season to reflect on God’s amazing love for us. Advent means arrival. I love arrivals! That moment a good friend arrives at the door, or I arrive myself at some highly anticipated destination. Or if I’ve ordered an online purchase, the joy when it arrives and I can hold it in my hands; Or celebrating the arrival of spring after a hard winter, or the birth of a new baby . . .
But of course, the season of advent is about a far more important arrival: the long awaited coming of a Messiah. For generations it had been prophesied that there would be a Saviour, a King so glorious that all others would pale before Him. A Redeemer and Lord before whom every knee would bow and the dominion of Satan would be destroyed. One who would save, forgive, heal and restore. A friend who would be with us forever and who would pour the love of God into our hearts, making us God’s own beloved children.
It's easy to lose touch with the beauty and wonder of all that Jesus is to us. We can get so caught up with our struggles, our hopes and fears, that we forget how momentous it was that God chose to come in the form of a baby born to an ordinary young girl. Why did He come? What made Him leave the glory of Heaven and the love of His Father to enter this world that would ultimately put Him to death on a cross? The answer is simple. He came because He loved us. He loves you. He loves me. He loves us with a love that will always be there, unconditional, unending, unfathomable but real and everlasting.
Maybe you are feeling very lonely and adrift in life? Maybe you believe that you don’t matter to anyone and are invisible to those around you?The message of advent is that He came for you. He came because He cares and carries your tears. Your joys and achievements are written on His heart. He delights in you and wants to bathe and lavish you with His love.
With Him no one is invisible or unnoticed. He chose Mary and He chooses you and me. You are utterly significant in His eyes.
I pray that during this advent season, whatever is happening in your life, may your heart be opened to receive and celebrate the arrival of that greatest gift ever, Jesus.