I find it easy sometimes to think in terms of what I believeI am not, rather than in terms of what I am. Yesterday I saw some lovely photos of a friend’s birthday celebration and a family wedding. I adored the sense of celebration that they conveyed. Everyone rejoicing, not just in the occasion but in the person who is being celebrated. They’re obviously delighting in being connected to that person. Hugs, balloon banners, wonderful cakes, dancing and fun, group photos, posh outfits all point to a life loved and the legacy of a happy family and friendships that are deeply meaningful. But a niggling whisper eats away at me: ‘You’re a nothing person compared to them. What have you achieved? No one’s ever wanted to marry you. You have no children. You have hardly any real friends. You are not…..You are not…..You are not…..’
Bam! Such whispers really flatten me and fill me with hopelessness instead of joy. The enemy is so subtle because he takes the things that have a grain of truth in them and magnifies them so that they ooze the message of failure and shame instead of just being a simple fact. Of course, Satan is a thief and a robber so his whole strategy is to rob us of the joy and wonder in life that are our gifts from God. But while that’s true about Satan, why do I choose to focus on him? Surely if I fix my mind on his lies then I’m just playing a home goal, because I’m giving him license to win?
There’s a line in a popular Christian chorus that states simply ‘I am a child of God.’ * This is the truth of who I am in God’s eyes. I could never be a nothing because it was God who spoke ‘Let there be…’ over the unimaginable nothingness of the universe and brought beautiful life into being, the wonder and majesty of creation, the wonder and majesty of me and you.
‘I am a child of God.’ More than that, I am a celebrated over child of God. God my Father rejoices over me with singing and rescues me because He delights in me. I am a royal jewel in His crown. I am the one He chose to give up His very life for. I don’t have to worry if I’ve ticked enough boxes to earn His love and approval becauseHe says I’m loved with an everlasting love. Nothing can ever separate me from His love or take me out of His hand.
When I was writing Unashamed I saw a picture of someone running a race but you were at the very back. The winner crossed the finishing line and was cheered by the crowds, followed by those in 2nd and 3rd place. There was some applause too for the next competitors to cross the line but then the home crowd melted away. The race was over and no one was there to welcome you as you finally limped towards the finish line. It felt like failure and an end to all your hopes. But then I saw that there was someone there. God your Father was there and as you reached that line He swept you up in His arms and celebrated you. He stood you on the podium and put a glorious banner around you and a winner’s medal over your head. He was so full of joy that you’d reached the finish and in His eyes, you’d achieved so much.
I know I need to take that picture deep into my own heart. I choose to do that today. I pray that you can choose that too.
You and I are a celebrated and rejoiced over, child of God, chosen and loved forever.
Tracy Williamson
*Who You Say I Am Words and Music by BenFielding & Reuben Morgan